Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ya know? You'd think the people at the Dodge would return an email and a phone call from someone desperately trying to help...which makes me pause and wonder just what is in their minds? I am still going to try to pursue this, but it will be a whole lot harder without their support and encouragement...and it makes me wonder just what their commitment to the poetry festival truly means to them..... is this just a convenient excuse, the economy, to pull back and focus efforts elsewhere? Hey, 24 years is a nice run.... now it's time to re-evaluate the goals and the placement of funds....I have a funny feeling I could show up tomorrow with two million dollars in my pocket and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. But I could be wrong.

I contacted Poets House in NYC, I contacted Oprah again..... definitely will take daily emails and constant letters I think to get through to her. I contacted a person from WPLJ here in NJ, I contacted some people who are instrumental in some poetry organizations here in NJ, I did get an email back from the Prairie Home Companion, giving me an address to write to. I know I can't do this alone....and this is starting to look like a very daunting task...... I have contacted some of my friends, who have all pledge money...but what I really need are people who can make contact with groups and individuals where I do not live. Where is my Christmas wish angel when I need her?????

1 comment:

  1. History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Keep the spirit up, Candice!
